Purchase supplies in advance of an event
We always need help purchasing drinks, decor, craft items, or paperwork in advance of an event. We also need help bringing food from our chosen caterer to the venue if they don't deliver. Usually this is just a quick trip to Costco or a food vendor in the area prior to the event!
Help on the day of an event
There are several options to help on the day of an event- in setup, cleanup, or running activities (e.g. teaching dance at our Garba event or managing kids' crafts). For Culture Show, we need ushers and volunteers to help backstage. At Holi, we need volunteers to distribute color to all our members for our color throwing! There are many ways to help.
Host your own event
This year we are adding a new "Host your own event" option to enable member-led smaller group events in addition to our signature events. If you would like to host your own event or lead a group of members to an existing event, sign up here with the type of event and month you would like to host. The board will have to approve the event but then we will include your event in SBIAA emails and on the website. Events must be open to ALL SBIAA members, although you can cap attendees at a certain level. Limited SBIAA funding will be provided for member-led events- but it will be a great way for us to build stronger relationships in our community!
Lead a Culture Show item / group
If you love getting a group together and grooving to the music, this is the volunteer role for you! We have a Culture Show in the spring where we will celebrate our culture and our kids together through dance, music and other performing arts. Our choreographers / item leads are so important in this process, because they connect our kids with culture, friends, and the arts in such an important way. Many of our members say that participating in a culture show act is the #1 way their kids found friends within SBIAA. Leading an item is a significant give-back to our organization and our kids.
Serve in a leadership role
We have 11 people on our board- in the following roles: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Social (2), Culture, Communications, Website (2), and JR SBIAA, and Secretary. We are always looking for people passionate about SBIAA and its mission to push the organization forward. As a board member, you would attend 1 board meeting a month and be closely involved in decision-making and planning for the year. Another great way to meet other members and give back to our community!